Consumer Wholesale Prices
Order reservations start 60 days before each specie's season. For example: Crab order reservations start appx Aug 15th
Do to our high quality & sustainable supply, pre-season orders are required to insure we can balance our order demand with our catch & supply production.
Sugpiaq's seafood catch never leaves the US. Sugpiaq catches, cleans, processes, direct sells, and eats it own seafood. No coloring, No chemical additives, No water-retaining additives, No false labeling, No GMO modified fish. Sugpiaq only catches ocean wild seafood from Alaska
Any confusion or questions contact us directly at:
gary. or 907 * 345 * 3311
Albacore: Spring & Fall
Albacore: Spring & Fall
The forever, ubiquitous albacore. You have probably eaten it out of a can in college, or at a sushi restaurant with friends, but have you really eaten great tuna? This is the only seafood I eat outside of Alaska, but only if caught by my Canadian friend. Tuna is not just tuna, just as industrial beef, chicken, & pork is even close to being as tasty or healthy as natural, free range animals. Simple fact: our tuna's oil content is 18% to 23%, the highest in the world. Fresh tuna, sold almost everywhere, oil content is only 5% to 12% on average, which is great for shoyu and wasbi since it lacks flavor. It is the difference between cream and cardboard.
Scientific Name: Thunnus alalunga
Catch Area: North Pacific Ocean - Canada
Style: Whole Rounds; H&G; Fillets; Portions
Grade: Depends on Style
Packaging: Totes, Boxes, & Custom Box Sizes